Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Fill-In #113

Janet at Friday Fill-Ins offers a challenging, though thoroughly entertaining, way to bring the blogging week to a close. She gives several incomplete sentences, and we are free to fill in the blanks in the most honest or humorous, wise or ridiculous way we choose. If you have a bog or website you can put a link in her Comment section, or visit the Comments to see the answers of other people.

If you do not have a blog or website, enter your complete sentences in the Comments section here.

So, here are my answers for the week -

1. I'm making a lot of mistakes, I'm learning from my mistakes, I don't know any other way to grow.

2. Why do I have a backyard and not have it covered with flowers?

3. How does this cellphone work, anyway?

4. Every morning, I put Vanilla-Flavored Light Silk on my cereal.

5. I consider myself lucky because I have friends across west Tennessee and Western Kentucky.

6. One day we'll see the real cost of environmental degradation.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Carolyn Stripling's Chicken Casserole, tomorrow my plans include working on our Income Tax Returns, and Sunday, I want to experience Sabbath!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your answers to #s 1 & 2; and thanks for the reminder to pick up some vanilla soymilk.
